2nd International Congress on 21st Century Literacies

Vanessa Camilleri
Dr Vanessa Camilleri is an academic at the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of ICT, University of Malta. Her expertise is in the area of Human Computer Interactions, with a specialisation in Virtual Worlds and Serious Games. Her areas of interest include Virtual Reality applications for developing emotional intelligence values. Her previous experience in the area of education and pedagogy, as well as educational technologies and use of games for learning have contributed to her overall academic profile. Her main publications are in the areas of online learning and the use of innovative and emerging technologies for learning. She also has worked on a number of EU funded projects in the areas of game-based learning. More recently she has started working on developing virtual reality experiences for teaching and learning purposes related to various aspects of emotional intelligence.

Luís Miguel Grilo
Luís Miguel Grilo (PhD in Mathematics and Statistics, Technical University of Lisbon, 2006) is currently Adjunct Professor and Director of the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (PIT), Portugal. As an integrated member of the Center for Mathematics and Applications of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the New University of Lisbon (CMA-FCT-UNL), develops scientific research in Distributions Theory (exact and near-exact distributions of some statistics used in Multivariate Analysis) and Applied Statistics (with special interest in Engineering and Health). Currently is also a collaborating member of the Smart Cities Research Center of the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar and in the Center for Innovation and Research in Business Sciences and Information Systems of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal. Regularly publishes papers in international scientific journals and has made several presentations in national and international meetings of Statistics, namely as Plenary Speaker. He was editor of some (inter)national journals, such as “Advances in Computational Data Analysis”, special issue of the Journal of Applied Statistics (JAS), Taylor & Francis. He was a member of the Board of CLAD (Portuguese Association for Classification and Data Analysis) for six years and has participated in several national and international meetings on Mathematics and Statistics as a member of Scientific and Organizing Committees. In particular, he was the Local Chair at the IPT of some International Conferences and he is the Chair of the annual Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods (WCDANM).

Julio Alonso Arévalo
Bibliotecario de la Facultad de Traducción y Documentación de la USAL (Universidad de Salamanca). Ex-Miembro del Grupo de Investigación E-LECTRA. Premio Nacional de Investigación por la UNE Premio mejor Profesional Social Media INFOAWARDS 2019. Creador y editor del repositorio E-LIS. Más de 80 artículos científicos publicados – 12 libros publicados: Nuevas fuentes de información en el contexto de la web 2.0 (Pirámide), Gutemberg 2.0 (TREA). Social Reading (Elsevier), eBooks en bibliotecas universitarias (TREA), El ecosistema del libro electrónico universitario (UNE), Leyendo entre Pantallas (TREA). Más de 2.400 citas en Google Schoolar. Creador y gestor del blog Universo abierto Director y del programa de Radio Planeta Biblioteca. Más de 250.000 seguidores en los grupos profesionales de Facebook.